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Unit3 How do you get to school?

2020年05月30日 13:17:55 访问量:348 作者:武丽萍

       七年级英语下册教学设计    武丽萍

Unit3 How do you get to school?

Section A 1a—2d

Teaching aims

  1. Knowledge aims:

1)    To learn and review vocabularies about vehicles and numbers

Numbers: forty, fifty, sixty, ninety-nine, one hundred and five, two hundred

Vehicles: subway, train, bicycle, bus, bike, by, take

2)    To master important phrases about how to get to school.

Phrases: take the subway/train/bus to school, walk to school by+交通工具, from… to… the bus ride,

Key sentence patterns: How do you get to school?/How long does it take to get to school?/ How far is it from your home to school?

  1. Ability aims:

1)    The students are able to use how/how long/how far questions to ask and answer.

2)    By doing listening and speaking, students should write some    target sentences

  1. Emotional aims: Students can choose proper ways to go to school and keep a healthy lifestyle.

Key points:

Take the bus/train/subway… to school

Sb+get(s) to school by bus/train/subway…

Difficult points:

The sentence pattern: It takes sb sometime/money to do sth

How long does it take (sb) to get to school? It takes about+数词+hours

How far is it from your home to school?  It’s about+数词+kilometers

Teaching methods: Pictures teaching Scene teaching

Teaching aids: tape recorder, ppt

Teaching procedure:

Step1:Lead in

The teacher show some pictures about kinds of transportation and let students read after the teacher.


  1. According to the picture and examples, the teacher ask how do you get to school. Students will perfectly fill in the blanks using the new phrase.
  2. Then, turn to page13, and make students complete 1a.
  3. Listen to the radio and complete 1b

Step3: Work in pairs

Goal: practicing the target language by making a dialogue with the partner.

Step4:Knowledge points

  1. Teach students to read the time clearly
  2. Emphasis the concept of minute by using pictures so that students can have a better understanding of take. Giving more examples to use “花费句型。It takes sb some time to do sth.
  3. To learn the word kilometers to make them express how far their home is from their school. Practicing how far is it from A to B

Step5: learn and review numbers.

Importantly, pay more attention to 99, 102 and so on.


  1. Listen and complete 2a
  2. Listen and complete 2b
  3. Ask and answer by using how long and how far questions in groups.


The students are very active in organizing class activities. As a teacher, I not only spend a lot of fun teaching them, but I also get a full satisfaction in this class. The whole students are getting more and more enjoyable in learning English.


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